

I almost completely forgot to tell you ladies about my new jeggings.
Um... they're pretty awesome. Here's what you need to know:

The quality is worth the price. These are some pretty well made leggings/jeans, the color is resistant and non-cheap looking, and they hold their shape (so far).

They are perfect for boots (which is what I basically bought them for). No scrunching, bunching or mushrooming. Perfect.

While these weren't the soft and stretchy kind of leggings I was expecting (I'm a little sad about that), they are jeans that are basically painted onto your body. That means they're made out of denim material so they're not leggings, but these are definitely the skinniest jeans you are ever going to find.

So all in all, since I love my legs and leggings but needed something a little sturdier, these are perfect. I give them a 9.5.
The 0.5 off is because I was hoping they'd be soft like leggings too, but hey, I guess you can't have everything.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hi Erin,
Thank you so much for your positive comment! It really means a lot to me to hear positive feedback. I've never heard of the Elf oil sheets but I do love the Clean&Clear ones like some girls commented. Love your blog! I would definitely follow it but I blog using Wordpress so I'm not sure if the two different websites would collaborate. I actually just started my own personal blog, beautybedazzle.wordpress.com which has a slightly different flavor than my College Fashion posts. But keep in touch! Good luck with your blog!I love how you're a computer science AND visual arts major. That is definitely quite the courseload and couldn't be more different from each other! That's so cool so good luck with that :)

Nicole- College Fashion