The last week has been a bit crazy around here with school, finding work, some playtime, and life in general.
HOWEVER, let's talk all the fun stuff.
HOWEVER, let's talk all the fun stuff.

I went to a screening for the movie When in Rome that's coming out in January. We watched it, got free popcorn and free movie passes (yay!) gave our opinion (boo!) and generally had a pretty awesome time. All I've got to say is that this is definitely a fluffy rom-com and don't expect any substance. If you want to see it just for the man candy that is Josh Duhamel, that is a perfectly acceptable (and perhaps only) reason to see it.

mmm.... man candy
I also went and saw From the House of the Dead at the Met. It's an opera based off of Dostoyevsky's memoirs of a prison camp in Siberia, written by Leos Janacek and performed in Czech. Can't you tell that it's quite the romp?
Actually, this was worthwhile seeing. I wouldn't take someone who hadn't seen opera before, because it is certainly an avante-garde production, but it was pretty stunning if a little surprising.
For some more information you can check out this short director's clip
So anyway, wish me luck, have a great weekend and I'm off to study for finals.
Wish I lived near the Met to see that opera! I'm studying Russian studies and it would be awesome to see something like that. Good luck with your interviews! :)
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