So of course the occasion is going to call for some planning in the wardrobe department because there are certain things to take into consideration.
1. I'd love to just pack a backpack for the bus (it's only a four day vacation)
2. it's going to be colder than all get out up north
3. I need to dress for the festivities
4. and of course, I need to dress for the definite possibility of running into any frenemies and ex-boyfriends from high school.
(Me? Shallow? Of course not)
So I figure I'll do this in a couple parts. First off is what does a girl wear for a seven hour bus ride, usually sitting squashed between two people, so that I get off the bus sane and chic?
My advice from doing this trip (and 8 hour flights to visit family in Washington) several times is that for long trips leggings are your best friend ever.
But of course one cannot dress simply in spandex, as tempting as it might be. So here's my bus-ride from hell outfit.
travel 1 by erind90 featuring Dorothy Perkins shoes
As you can see I have
- leggings
- sweater dress or tunic because I feel it's less confining and honestly, I could wear this outfit to bed, it's that comfortable.
- a pashmina for any chill
- cardigan. Same reasons as a pashmina, and balled up together they work well as a pillow.
- boots. They are the bulkiest things I'm packing so by wearing them I might actually be able to fit everything in a backpack.
-sunglasses. There is no way I'm wearing makeup so it's good to go incognito for the day.
also essential (but not clothes related)
-socks. There's no way I'm wearing my boots all bus ride. As soon as I sit down they are coming off.
-water, peanut butter sandwiches, and apples. For obvious reasons.
-reading material
- dry shampoo. I'll spray some on my hair in the bus terminal bathroom, give it a few shakes and voila! instant sexy bed head instead of greasy bus ride hair in a headband.
- sanitizer. You don't want to see what the South Station terminal bathrooms look like.
- moisturizer for face (and possibly hands). there is no reason why a bus should be so drying, but it is. I don't know why.
- toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant. Because the rest of the human population would rather not smell me.
- E.L.F. shine erasers. For all that oil puddling on my face after 7 hours.
- Carmex chap stick. Man, am I a glamorous chick or what? But it works, and I love the tingly feeling.
This is pretty much my emergency kit for surviving bus/plane trips with some of my humanity still intact.
Next up: what do you wear to a football game (fondly termed "The Reunion")?
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