Darlings, I've been so so so SOOO good. I even went out shopping with my girls (including Erin, who is even more of a shopaholic than me and my style diva inspiration) and I didn't spend a dime.
Okay, that's a lie. I spent three dollars on three adorably mini cupcakes from Baked By Melinda, but those cupcakes were heaven and totally worth it. Go eat there, its right off Broadway in Soho.
Anyway, while I didn't buy anything, I definitely saw some things that are on the shopping list for when the ban is lifted.

Okay, I have a confession to make. I tried on this coat because it was just so standout ridiculous that I just had to. Then I just never took it off, and wore it for about the hour we spent browsing Bloomingdale's. Then I realized that no, it was not standout ridiculous. It was standout ridiculously AWESOME. So I'm waiting for the money to come back from my leather jacket return, and getting this (which is actually half the price.) It's by aqua sport, and can be found at Bloomingdale's (just don't buy the size small! That's mine!)

These I found at a boutique called Wink and are by Jeffery Campbell, except I liked the black ones. They almost remind me of jazz shoes crossed with an oxford, and are super comfortable and don't make my feet look big. What more could a girl want? Besides, I have a small love affair with Jeffery Campbell to begin with. That man can do no wrong in my book.
So yeah... just hoping these don't sell out in the next three weeks. But you know, I kind of like this system of going shopping with the girls with just twenty bucks in my pocket (for food and emergencies) and then coming back and writing down what I loved. Because I remember thinking "I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE" about a few other things, but by the time I rode the subway back to my apartment, I seem to have forgotten them. Apparently I didn't need them that badly. Except these two. These two stuck with me the whole shopping trip, through dinner, through a subway ride, through my shower, and through checking my email ect. I think that means they are keepers.
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